Tips for Maintaining Oral Health During the Fall Season

How to Prevent Gum Disease | Escondido Dentist | Andrew Kim, DDS | Family Dentist | Escondido Dentistry

The fall season is packed with a lot of different things — schools starting, football season, cooler days, parties, Halloween and Thanksgiving. For the majority of us, this means busier days and less time outdoors. More frequent gatherings and events also mean an increase in our food intake. With all of this, maintaining good oral health can easily become challenging. At Andrew Kim, DDS, we strive to stay on the cutting edge of the healthcare industry, which means as the seasons change, so do the oral health care needs and trends. We take your oral health seriously. Here are some tips to help you take care of your oral health during this beautiful fall and harvest season:

Schedule Your Annual Dental Visit

If you haven’t already visited your dentist this year, now is a perfect time to go. Dental offices usually get busy during summer and fall, so we highly suggest scheduling your dental visit if you weren’t able to do so in the summer. Getting your fillings, cleanings, and other required procedures taken care of before the holidays helps to maintain optimal oral health.


Choose Healthy and Natural Food & Drinks

Fall parties, football, Halloween and Thanksgiving all involve various unhealthy foods and sweets. Keep your family healthy by offering healthy snacks instead of candy, which is loaded with sugar. Opt for healthier food and drinks when attending parties and special events. The best way to provide adequate nutrition is through natural foods.


Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Focus on keeping your mouth and teeth clean by brushing your teeth twice a day. Prevent plaque build-up by using mouthwash and flossing regularly. We also recommend replacing your toothbrush after you’re sick. Like in all other seasons, these important habits help to prevent serious dental problems.

Use Your Dental Benefits

Fall is the perfect time to check your dental insurance benefits and schedule your dental visit in time so you don’t lose out on any unused benefits. During your visit, you can take care of multiple issues like fillings, cleanings, and other procedures before the year ends.

Our team at Andrew Kim, DDS is ready to answer all your questions related to oral health, cleaning, whitening and any other services you require to keep your teeth and gums healthy this fall!

Andrew Kim, DDS provides advanced dental treatment to the Escondido communities and the Northern San Diego area. We make your comfort and oral health our top priority. Book your appointment today!